Friday, December 13, 2019

Japan 2019 - 10 End of Tour Dinner

Well, all good things must come to an end, and our tour ended with a Halloween-themed farewell dinner at the Westin Hotel in Sendai, an unexpectedly good hotel in what turns out to be a lovely city. And our goodbye dinner at the hotel was astoundingly good given where we were.

After champagne and amuse-bouches, the meal started with a mi-cuit salmon with pumpkin seeds, mandarin orange sauce, garlic and vinegar.

Mi-cuit salmon with pumpkin seeds
There followed a really lovely pumpkin soup with cèpes

Pumpkin soup with cèpes
For the fish course, pan-fried lobster mackerel, potato and kale puree, with a mushroom and leek sauce.

Pan-fried lobster
The meat course wah roasted duck breast with butternut squash, fig and port wine sauce.

Roasted duck breast
Continuing the Halloween theme, dessert was a pumpkin Mont-blanc with chestnut ice cream.

And truly embracing the concept was our intrepid guide Andy, who was wonderful in every way!

Andy in costume
A wonderful end to our tour.

Bobby Jay

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