Our hosts in Périgord took us to La Tour des Vents, a one-Michelin-star restaurant near Bergerac, with a lovely view of the Dordogne valley.
The excellent food, and eating on the terrace in the lovely evening air while enjoying the interminable French summer sunset, made for a memorable experience.
Most of us started with
foie gras, a pretty sure bet in Périgord. And here the presentation was lovely.
Foie gras de canard at La Tour des Vents |
For main courses, J had pork chops, our hosts had duck breast and I had perfectly prepared (but as usual not very photgenic) sweetbreads - crispy on the outside, meltingly tender inside.
Pork chop at La Tour des Vents |
Magret de canard at La Tour des Vents |
Ris de veau (sweetbreads) at La Tour des Vents |
Desserts were fine, too, and this strawberry tart, which took full advantage of the season, was especially lovely,
Tarte aux fraises at La Tour des Vents |
. . . as was this duo of chocolate ice cream and a creamy pastry.
Dessert at La Tour des Vents |
One-star dining in the French countryside seldom disappoints, and the
pricing is often amazingly fair. Here the four-course menu was just 60
Bobby Jay
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