Friday, September 2, 2011

Paris - Gâteau Basque: The Almost Forgotten (by Me) Cake

Gosselin's Gâteau Basque
When I lived in Paris in the late 1970's, my colleague and I would sometimes finish lunch with a slice of gâteau Basque. Over the years, I had almost forgotten about this seemingly simple, regional specialty, a somewhat cakelike pastry filled with almond cream, but today I came upon an appetizing specimen at Gosselin. With its traditional shiny egg-washed top and the fork-scored pattern, it screamed "buy me" so I did.

When I dug in, the contrasting layers of dry pastry and almost dry, not too sweet, almond cream whisked me back to 1979 as if I had never left. This is not the greatest of French pastries, but worth eating every now and then.

And I think I'm going to try making gâteau Basque when I get home; there are lots of purportedly authentic and traditional recipes online and probably in my cookbook collection.

Bobby Jay

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