My friend Gary has made a life-long effort to make the perfect chocolate egg cream, one even better than the ones he had in his youth in Brooklyn. He has granted me permission to share his recipe and technique.
Do not substitute milk for the light cream or fancy ingredients for the Fox's syrups. That might produce a good drink, but it would not be the real deal.
Bobby Jay
Hi Bob,
The egg creams look very good. If you replace the light cream with whole milk you will have a very good regular egg cream. I found the light cream adds a nice creamy flavor. Heavy cream is too much, it overwhelms the flavor. I also use a very cold glass. If you don't have a Coke glass, use an at least 12 oz. glass. If possible use a glass with a thin lip and a wide mouth.
WARNING: If you have two of these in a row you with go into sugar shock!!!
yum! This makes me homesick for cheese blitzes and mushroom barley soup at the Kiev.
Hi Bob,
Where is the best place for an egg cream in Paris?
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